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Change your thoughts, change your life ...

I was having a stressful morning (we all have them sometimes) and I realized I was falling into my old bad habits of a frustration pattern. I was getting down on myself and getting upset, these feelings of discontent and frustration were not serving me and I noticed that it was shifting my vibration. I decided right then and there to change my thoughts. To help me do this, I planned to take my lunch at the beach to try to change my energy. The crashing sound of the crashing waves relaxes me and ocean breeze brings me feelings of hope and joy. I am blessed to live near the beach and I thought I should try to spend a few moments to refocus in an environment that I love. I wanted to shift myself back to the vibration of love and the beach was an ideal spot for me to do that.

As I parked in the parking lot of the beach, I looked out on the horizon to see these rocks aligned. At first, I didn’t notice anything special about them; however, as I was changing my mindset, I noticed that rocks had been arranged to spell out the word LOVE. It was in that very moment I immediately felt a rush of emotion come over me. I felt truly blessed and grateful that I was there to see this at a time when I truly needed it. It’s an amazing feeling. I took a picture of the beautiful formation and really allowed myself to take in the beauty that surrounded me. L.O.V.E. it was so perfect to see with the waves crashing on the beach behind it. I have already made it my screensaver and wallpaper on my cell phone. It’s a beautiful picture and a gentle reminder for me to stay present, choose love and be grateful for what I have. I hope you have a blessed day. I hope this picture brings you joy a positive feeling as well. Always make sure to Shine Your True Light!


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